What is the current net worth of Ruchika Jangid?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Niharika


Shurbhi Jha

Career of Singer Ruchika Jangid

Ruchika Jangir is an Indian artist and singer who is well known for her work in the Haryanvi singing industry. She has made a name for herself in the industry with her powerful vocals and lively performances.

Current Net Worth of Singer Ruchika Jangid (2023-2024)

Ruchika Jangir started her singing career in 2018 and since then she has been active as a Haryanvi singer. According to her working experience in the entertainment industry, she currently has a good net worth which is between $1 million to  $5 million. Her net worth makes her one of the richest celebrities in the Hariyanvi singing industry.

Ruchika Jangir earned all her money through her profession being a professional artist and singer from the Hariyanvi entertainment industry.

Popular Songs By Ruchika Jangid

  1. Coco Cola
  2. Film Chandrawal Dekhungi
  3. Jutti Black
  4. Dj Bajwadungi
  5. Tera Figure --- Explore the full list of songs sung by Ruchika Jangid

ruchika jangir current net worth
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