Which are the top movies and tv shows of Sindi Dlathu?

Last Update: Apr 23 2024 | BY: Lina Madhu


Monika KK.

Acting Career of Sindi Dlathu

Sindi Dlathu was cast as the lead role's understudy in the stage version of Sarafina! In the screen version, she worked alongside Whoopi Goldberg and was commissioned as an assistant choreographer to Michael Peters.

Filmography List Done By Sindi Dlathu

  1. Sarafina
  2. Escape from Angola
  3. Married

Television List Done By Sindi Dlathu

  1. Muvhango
  2. Soul City
  3. Ngempela
  4. The River
  5. The Queen
  6. The Republic

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