How many languages does Chanel Iman can speak?

Last Update: Apr 23 2024 | BY: Adom



Chanel ImanBirthplace & Lifestyle

Chanel Iman Robinson, professionally known as Chanel Iman was born on 1st December 1990 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States but she grew up in Los Angeles, California. She is African American with a Korean lineage from her mother.

Languages Chanel Iman Speak Fluently

At the age of 12, Chanel Iman started her modeling career with Ford Models as a child model in Los Angeles, California and since then she has worked as a Victoria's Secret Angel, and Vogue Paris declared her as one of the top 30 models of the 2000s.

Chanel Iman speaks English very fluently, as well as she can also understand and speak a little bit of some other American sign languages spoken in American countries but if writes more about her fluency then she speaks only the English language fluently.

  • English

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