What is the net worth of Thai actor Phuwin Tangsakyuen?



Gulmash KK

Phuwin Tangsakyuen, Current Net Worth

Thai television actor Phuwin Tangsakyuen was born on 5 July 2003 in Bangkok, Thailand and he started his acting career in 2015 through the TV show "Talk with Toey Tonight" as a guest role since he started his career he has done many television drama series in leading, supporting, and guest roles.

Profile Details of Thai Actor Phuwin Tangsakyuen

Popular TV Series of Phuwin Tangsakyuen

  1. Cause You Are My Boy (2018)
  2. Our Skyy The Series ( 2018)
  3. Y I Love You Fan Party 2019 (2019)
  4. The Charming Step Mom (2019)
  5. Dark Blue Kiss (2019)
  6. My Bubble Tea (2020)
  7. The Gifted: Graduation (2020)
  8. Fish Upon the Sky (2021) ---- See the full list of TV series of Phuwin Tangsakyuen

Fans Following On Instagram of Phuwin Tangsakyuen

Phuwin Tangsakyuen is very active and popular on the social media platforms on Instagram. He has an official account with the username "@phuwintang" where he has shared photos and videos with his fans.

Phuwin Tangsakyuen Current Net Worth (2024-2025)

As we know, Phuwin Tangsakyuen is one of the most popular, handsome, and talented Thai actors who has been actively working in the Thai entertainment industry since he started his acting career that's why he has a good net worth. According to 2023-2024, he has an estimated net worth between $100,000 to $2 Million.


In 2024-2025, Phuwin Tangsakyuen increased because of his working experience now it is between $1 Million to $5 Million. Phuwin primary source of earning money is being a professional television actor and model in the Thai acting and modeling entertainment Industries.

The above-mentioned amount is just the approximated net worth of actor Phuwin Tangsakyuen according to the online data from official and non-official sites but it's not the exact net worth of Phuwin Tangsakyuen. Maybe his current net worth is more than or less than the above-mentioned amount. In the future, we will make this article more accurate after getting more details.

Phuwin Tangsakyuen current net worth
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