How many languages does Ahn Hyo Seop can speak?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Vidhanshu Patil



Birth Details & Family of Ahn Hyo Seop

Korean actor Ahn Hyo Seop was born on 17 April 1995 in Seoul, South Korea as the third of 4 siblings. When he was seven years old, his family immigrated to Toronto, Canada.

Later he moved back to South Korea when he was 17, while his family stayed in Canada. He later attended and graduated from Kookmin University, in the Department of International Business.

Languages Speak by Ahn Hyo Seop Fluently

As we know, Ahn Hyo Seop was born in Seoul, South Korea, and raised in Toronto, Canada, So he is very fluent in Korean (the official and native language of Korea) and English (the most spoken language in Australia, New Zealand, America, and Western countries). While is possible that he may understand and speak some other languages such as Thai, Mandarin, Japanese, etc., our current knowledge is insufficient to confirm the extent of his fluency in these languages.

  • Korean
  • English

ahn hyo seop speak lanaguges fluently
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