What is the net worth of Nepali actor Dayahang Rai?



Atul Verma

Dayahang Rai Current Net Worth

Dayahang Rai | Nepali Actor Net Worth

Dayahang Rai is a Nepalese actor, he is one of the most famous Nepalese actors. Dayahang Rai was born on 6th August 1979. He has done more than 40+ movies and TV shows in the Nepalese entertainment industry. Dayahang Rai has played a significant role in the development of the Nepalese entertainment industry.

Rai has won 'National Film Awards 3 times in 2009, 2015, and 2016. In this article, we will know the current net worth of Dayahang Rai but before knowing his current net worth there are a lot of interesting things that we should know about him. So let's know all about him and also know the current net worth of Dayahang Rai.

Dayahang Rai Basic Profile Info

  • Full Real Name: Dayahang Rai
  • Other Nickname: Dayahang
  • Date of Birth: 6th August 1979
  • Birth Place: Khawa, Bhojpur District, Nepal
  • Nationality: Nepalese
  • Gender: Male
  • Profession/Occupation: Actor
  • Active Years: 2002–present

Acting Career of Dayahang Rai

Dayahang Rai started his career in 2002, Dayahang Rai started his career as a theatre and stage show artist in 2002. He did many many theatres and stage shows, he was inspired by his mother from his childhood so he started acting in theatres and stage shows at an early age. The play 'Talakjung vs. Tulke' was the turning point in his life, In starting he joined 'Actors’ Studio' and later affiliated with Mandala Theatre, Nepal, which he co-founded. Dayahang Rai has done more than 40+ movies and TV shows, Let's see some top movies and TV shows done by him.

Popular Movies and Tv Shows of Dayahang Rai

  • Mr. Jholay (2018)
  • Loot 2 (2017)
  • Kabaddi Kabaddi (2015)
  • Talakjung Vs Tulke (2014)
  • Chhadke (2013)
  • Kabaddi (2014)
  • Ghampani (2017)
  • Bir Bikram (2016)
  • Dasdhunga (2010)
  • Purano Dunga (2016)

Dayahang Rai's Current Net Worth (2024-2025)

Dayahang Rai began his acting journey in 2002, initially as a theater and stage performer, and has since appeared in over 40 movies and television productions. He has played a pivotal role in advancing the Nepalese entertainment sector.

Regarding Dayahang Rai's current net worth, there isn't an organization that maintains official records of celebrity net worth. Instead, net worth estimations are based on various factors and can only be approximated.

Based on our database and assessment of various official and unofficial online sources, the projected current net worth of Nepalese actor Dayahang Rai is approximately between $1 million to $5 million as of 2024-2025. It is anticipated that his net worth will experience substantial growth in the forthcoming years.

He primarily earns his income through his profession as an actor in the Nepalese Entertainment Industry. Should there be any new developments regarding Dayahang Rai's current net worth, we will certainly update our data in the future with additional valuable information from reliable sources.

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