How many languages does Birce Akalay can speak?




Birth Details & Family of Birce Akalay

Turkish actress Birce Akalay was born on 19 June 1984 in Istanbul, Turkey. She started ballet at the age of four and was injured at the age of sixteen.

Birce Akalay graduated from the theatre department of Pera Fine Arts High School in 2003. She then enrolled in Istanbul University with a major in theatre analysis but left the school in third grade to pursue her dream of becoming a theatre actress

Languages Speak by Birce Akalay Fluently

If you are looking for the language-speaking ability of actress Birce Akalay, She is very fluent in Turkish (the official and native language of Turkiye) and along with Turkish, she can also speak English (the most spoken language in Australia, New Zealand, America, and Western countries). While is possible that she may understand and speak some other languages such as Urdu, Arabic, and Farsi but currently has insufficient information on her fluency in these languages.

  • Turkish
  • English

birce akalay speak languages
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