Which are the top movies and tv shows of Devrim Özkan?



Heena Ali

Devrim Ozkan (List of Drama & Movies, shows,...)

In 2017, Devrim Özkan initiated her journey in acting by taking on the role of Ipek Giray in the Turkish television drama series "Ruya." She has gained recognition for her roles in "Vuslat" (2019), "Let Life Come as It Knows" (2022), and "Ramo" (2020).

  • Occupation: Actress, Model
  • Active Year: 2017-present

Explore more articles on actress Devrim Ozkan such as, How many languages does Devrim Ozkan speak fluently? what is the current net worth of Devrim Ozkan? and the full biography of Devrim Ozkan including education, boyfriend, awards, family, kids, and more.

Full List of TV series By Devrim Ozkan

  1. Ne Gemiler Yaktim (2023)
  2. Let Life Come as It Knows (2022)
  3. Rumi (2023)
  4. Güldür Güldür Show (2013)
  5. Ramo (2020)
  6. Ex Askim (2021)
  7. Vuslat (2019)
  8. Wounded Love (2016)
  9. Rüya (2017)

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