How many languages does Guo Jia Nan can speak?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Ushanki Sanker


Pauli Ruchali

Chinese Actor Guo Jia Nan, Birth Details

Guo Jia Nan is a Chinese television and film actor and model who was born on 18 June 1998 in Heilongjiang. He made his acting debut in 2016 with the film "Lei Shen Chuan Qi", and now he is active in the Chinese entertainment industry as one of the popular celebrities.

Languages Fluently Spoken by Guo Jia Nan

According to Guo Jia Nan's family background and his birth details, was born and grew up in China and his family also lived in China. So, he is very fluent in Mandarin ( __ China official and his native language__) and he also understands and speaks a little bit of English but officially he is not very fluent in English like his native language Korean.

Maybe, Guo Jia Nan can also speak and understand some other foreign languages such as Thai, Korean, Japanese, and Tagalog but it is unclear whether he is able to speak or not.

Recommendation, Read More Articles, Guo Jia Nan

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