How many languages does Wu Xuanyi can speak?

Query By: PALLAWI S.


K. Kelly Wind

Wu Xuanyi | Birth, Family, and Education

Wu Xuanyi, a Chinese actress and singer, was born in Haikou, Hainan, China. She affiliated herself with Yuehua Entertainment and later relocated to South Korea from 2014 to 2015. Subsequently, she became a trainee after joining Starship Entertainment.

  • Full Name: Wu Xuanyi
  • Date of Birth: 26 January 1995
  • Birthplace: Haikou, Hainan, China
  • Nationality: Chinese

Wu Xuanyi Speaks Languages Fluently

Wu Xuanyi speaks Mandarin very fluently (which is her native and China's official language) because she was born in Haikou, Hainan, China, and works in the Chinese entertainment industry as an actress. Along with Mandarin maybe she can also speak or understand English (one of the most spoken languages in American and European countries including New Zealand and Australia) because of her acting and singing career and to explore her career globally.

  • Mandarin (Home language)

Along with Mandarin, may be possible that Wu Xuanyi can also understand or speak some other foreign languages such as KoreanThaiJapanese, and Chinese sign languages. However, according to our database, she fluently speaks only Mandarin.

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