What is the name of 1st Taiwanese TV Serial?



Ushanki M.K.

"Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd."; Commonly it is known as TTV and formerly known as Central Television and Voice of Taiwan. TTV is the first terrestrial television station in Taiwan, it was established on April 28, 1962.

It started formally broadcasting later that year on Double Ten Day, the Republic of China's national holiday. TTV was formerly called Taiwan Radio (TR, then TWR) in 1962, then TTV and Taiwan Day Television and Taiwan Night Television (TTV) in 1990, when China Television (CTV) was launched. 

First Television Show OR Series OR Drama in Taiwan Entertainment Industry

TTV presented the first costume drama serial "Zheng Chenggong" (Prince of Yanping) in 1963 with the starring Tsao Chien (Cao Jian) as the title role. On September 7, 1969, after airing what would be one of its final major coverages, that of the Apollo XI landing in July, in monochrome, TTV transitioned to color.

Since 1962, TTV began some of the milestones that changed the landscape of TTV presenting the very first Taiwanese-language TV serial as well as the first Mandarin drama anthology series.

Taiwan Television Details According To Wikipedia

Television Type - Free-to-air nationwide TV

Branding - TTV [Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd.]

Country Name - Taiwan

First Air Date - October 10, 1962; 57 years ago (in 2020)

Availability - Taiwan

Founded On - April 28, 1962; 58 years ago (in 2020) By "Taiwan Provincial Government"

Owner - Unique Satellite TV

Image of Zheng Chenggong (Prince of Yanping)

Zheng Chenggong
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