How is Thai drama Phu Bao Sut Sa Ka Ila Kha Sing & where to watch it?

Last Update: Apr 25 2024 | BY: Flynn



Phu Bao Sut Sa Ka Ila Kha Sing Thai Drama

Phu Bao Sut Sa Ka Ila Kha Sing

Phu Bao Sut Sa Ka Ila Kha Sing (ผู้บ่าวสุดซ่าส์กะอีหล่าขาซิ่ง) is a Paswitch Boorananut and Jelilcha Kapaun lead Thai romantic drama. It is a Channel 3 network original drama anticipated to be premiered in early 2024.

Jelilcha Kapaun is a very young actress and Paswitch Boorananut is also a newcomer actor in the industry. After the drama "La-ojan" this is the second time when they both are working on the same project as a lead against each other.

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Paswitch Boorananut and Jelilcha Kapaun both are young newcomers in the Thai entertainment industry, it would be very interesting to see their onscreen chemistry. What is your opinion about the drama and their chemistry?

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