How is Thai drama Jaiphisut & where to watch it?

Query By: FLYNN



Jaiphisut Thai Drama

Jaiphisut | Pure Heart

Jaiphisut (ใจพิสุทธิ์) also known as "Pure Heart" is a novel based Thai romantic drama adapted from the novel "Jaiphisut" by Phraenat. It is a Channel 3 network original drama and prequel to the drama "La-ojan" anticipated to be released in 2024.

This is the second drama after XYZ (2021) when Tate Henry Myron set to play the lead character. He has received appreciation for his debut acting, it will be quite interesting to see him against beautiful and experienced actress Eisaya Hosuwan.

In the drama, Eisaya Hosuwan is set to act as the character of "Jaiphisut" whereas against her Tate Henry Myron as "M.L. Ronnachak Juthathep".

The romantic drama follows the story of Jaiphisut and Juthathep. Ronnachak has the chance to meet Jaiphisut who is his childhood friend because she is a teacher for Sunida, his dead friend's sister who asked him to take care of her before he died. Jaiphisut is unhappy to meet him because she can remember how he teased her. She needs to make up the relationship between Sunida and Pemnuch, unaware that they become friends, and try to bring Ronnachak and Jaiphisut back together.

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There is no doubt Eisaya Hosuwan is an outstanding actress but Tate Henry Myron is a newcomer actor against her. It would be very interesting to see their on-screen chemistry, What is your opinion about their combination?

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