How many Languages does Ananda Everingham can speak?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Flynn


Jenit Femi

Biography & Birth Details of Actor Ananda Everingham

Thai (explore his full biography here) actor Ananda Everingham as Ananda Matthew Everingham is the son of a Laotian-born mother Keo Sirisomphone and Australian father, Bangkok-based photojournalist John Everingham. He is of Lao and Australian descent.

His parents divorced in 1997. John remarried a Chinese woman, now he has one brother and two half brothers.

Languages Speak Fluently by Ananda Everingham

As we know, Ananda Everingham was born in Bangkok, Thailand grew up in Australia. He is currently active in the Thai film and television entertainment industries, So, he is very fluent in Thai (the national language of Thailand) and English (which is the most spoken language in all Australian, New Zealand, Western, and American countries).

Maybe Ananda Everingham can also speak and understand some other international languages like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean but we are not sure about how much he is fluent in these languages.

ananda everingham speak langauges fluently
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