How many languages does Li Jiu Lin can speak?



Abhi Omi

Birth & Family Details of Li Jiu Lin

Chinese actor and model Li Jiu Lin was born on 25 April 1994 in Shaanxi Province, China. He learned calligraphy from an early age influenced by his father.

In 2013, he was admitted to the Chinese Painting Department of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. Because of his good appearance, he was recommended by his teacher to work as a model at the university.

Languages Li Jiu Lin Speak Fluently

As we know, Li Jiu Lin was born and grew up in Shaanxi Province, China, and has been active in the Chinese entertainment industries including both television and films as an actor and model since 2017, So, he is very fluent in Mandarin (the official language of China and native language of his).

  • Mandarin

Might be possible that Li Jiu Lin can also speak some other foreign languages such as English, Korean, and Thai but at present time we have a lack of information regarding his fluency in other foreign languages.

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