How many languages does Sukru Ozyildiz can speak?



Josh Mike

Turkish Actor Sukru Ozyildiz

Sukru Ozyıldız was born in the city of Izmir. During the Ottoman Empire, His maternal family was of Rum descent and immigrated from Rhodes. His father is of Turkish descent from Trabzon. After earning a state the Department of Ship Mechanics Engineering at Istanbul Technical University and studying in Istanbul for one year, he started studying again at Ege University.

Languages Fluently Spoken by Sukru Ozyildiz

As mentioned Sukru Ozyildiz was born in the city of Izmir Turkey which is why he is very fluent in Turkey's official language Tukish very well compared to other foreign languages that are spoken across the world. Actually, he can also speak English and Urdu languages along with Turkish (Fluency is under review).

Maybe Turkish actor Sukru Ozyildiz can also speak some other foreign languages, such as Arabic, Spanish, French, Italian, and German fluently but it is unclear according to our data record, whether he's able to speak or not.

  • Turkish
  • English
  • Urdu
  • Arabic

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