Which are the top movies and tv shows of Kevin Janssens?

Last Update: Apr 28 2024 | BY: Adom


Shobhna Mathur

Kevin Janssens (TV Series, Movies Full List)

Belgium actor Kevin Janssens has been active as an actor since 2002 and he has done many projects which are mentioned below in detail with his roles in those particular projects.

Feature films and shorts by Kevin

  1. Stormforce as Rick Symons
  2. Madonna's Pig as Tony Roozen
  3. The Ardennes as Jessica
  4. Revenge as Richard
  5. Above the Law as Vik
  6. To the Ends of the World as Chenle
  7. Catacombe as Mary
  8. The Bouncer as Geert
  9. The Room as Matt
  10. Patrick as Patrick 
  11. Savage State as Victor

Television series by Kevin

  1. King of the World
  2. Undercover
  3. Fair Trade
  4. Rough Diamonds

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