How many languages does Uma Thurman can speak?

Query By: ADOM


Paul W.

Uma Thurman Languages

Uma Thurman Languages

Uma Karuna Thurman is professionally known as Uma Thurman, she is an American actress and former model. Over the years, she has done more than 70+ movies and tv shows for which she has received several awards and nominations.

Uma Thurman is a multi hypernet-talented personality, she has the ability to speak and understand multiple languages although English is her primary and official language. Since her childhood, she has lived with several ethnic groups around the world and as result, she learned many languages effortlessly.

Rather than her primary language, Uma Thurman can speak and understand Swedish, Irish, Scottish, and, German. Uma Thurman also has been spotted using Spanish and French languages worlds, however, she never revealed how proficient she is in these languages.

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