How many languages does Sabrina Carpenter can speak?

LAST READ: APR 19 2024 | Q. BY: ADOM


Vivek Bright

sabrina carpenter speak langauges

American Actress Sabrina Carpenter

Sabrina Carpenter is an American actress and singer who started her career in 2011 at the age of 10 by posting videos on YouTube of her singing.

Languages Fluently Spoken by Sabrina Carpenter

Sabrina Carpenter was born on 11 May 1999 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, to David and Elizabeth Carpenter, and raised in East Greenville that's why she is very fluent in two languages "Dutch and English" (the official language of the United States). And according to the online research and interview, she can also speak German very fluently as her second foreign language.

Although it is unknown how well Sabrina Carpenter speaks other languages, such as French, Spanish, and Italian, it is possible that she is able to do so. Our staff is working on this topic; as soon as we have more information about her ability to speak other languages, we will update this post.

  • Dutch
  • English
  • German

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