How many languages does Mark Harmon can speak?

Query By: ADOM



Birth Details of Mark Harmon

American actor, producer, author, and director Mark Harmon was born on 2 September 1951 in Burbank, California, United States, the youngest of three children. His parents were Heisman Trophy–winning football player and broadcaster Tom Harmon and actress, model, and artist Elyse Knox.

Languages Speak by "Mark Harmon" Fluently

According to upper mentioned information, Mark Harmon was born and grew up in Burbank, California, United States, So, he is very fluent in English (The most spoken language in American and Western countries such as the United States, England, etc.). Maybe he can also speak and understand other languages like French, Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, and other languages spoken in Western countries but it just maybe we are not sure or have sufficient information on how much he is fluent in these languages --- (We will re-update this article soon)

Mark Harmon speak languages fluently
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