How many languages does Andrew Walker can speak?

Query By: ADOM


Jenit Femi

Biography & Birth Details of Actor Andrew Walker

Canadian (explore his full biography here) actor Andrew Walker was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the son of the late Joyce Walker, a librarian, and Bruce Walker, a school administrator.

He is a graduate of Vanier College, where he played football, and was given a full scholarship to play at Boston College. After his commitment to BC, he returned home to spring camp at Vanier and tore his anterior cruciate ligament during a routine drill, thus ending his football career.

Languages Speak Fluently by Andrew Walker

As we know, Andrew Walker was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has been active in the Canadian and American entertainment industries of television and film since 1994, So, he is very fluent in English (which is mostly spoken language in all Westen and American countries).

Maybe Andrew Walker can also speak and understand some other international languages like Spanish French, German, and Italian but about his fluency, have insufficient information right now.

andrew walker speak languages
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