How many languages does Jesse Lee Soffer can speak?

Query By: ADOM


Joya Mike

Jesse Lee Soffer | Birth, Family, and Education

American actor Jesse Lee Soffer was born in Ossining, New York, to Jill Hindes and Stan Soffer. He spent part of his childhood in Tarrytown, New York, and later moved to Newtown, Connecticut, at age 10.

Soffer joined The Gunnery and graduated in 2003. He played soccer in school and was named to the all-star team during his senior season. He also took classes at New York University.

  • Full Name: Jesse Lee Soffer
  • Birthplace: Ossining, New York, U.S.
  • Education: The Gunnery
  • Alma mater: New York University
  • Occupation(s): Actor, director
  • Years active:1990–present

Jesse Lee Soffer Spoken Languages Fluently

Jesse Lee Soffer speaks English very fluently (English is one of the most spoken languages in American and European countries including New Zealand and Australia) because he was born and grew up in Ossining, New York, and currently working in the Hollywood entertainment industry. 

Along with English, may be possible that Jesse Lee Soffer can also understand or speak some other foreign languages such as French, German, Spanish, Italian, and American sign languages. However, according to our database, he fluently speaks only English.

Jesse Lee Soffer speak languages fluently
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