How many languages does Dianna Agron can speak?

LAST READ: APR 12 2024 | Q. BY: ADOM



Dianna Elise Agron, Short Biography

Dianna Elise Agron was born on April 30, 1986, in Savannah, Georgia, to Mary, a seamstress, and Ronald S. "Ron" Agron, a former general manager of Hyatt Hotels. Her father was born to a Jewish family, while her mother converted to Judaism before they married.

Languages Dianna Agron can Speak Fluently

Dianna Elise Agron is an American actress and singer, She is active since 2006 and did more than 20+ projects including movies and tv series. If we discussed her language speaking fluency, she can speak English and Spanish languages very fluently in comparison to other foreign languages.

  • Spanish
  • English

Maybe She can also speak some other international languages such as German, Japanese, Italian, and French but right now we have insufficient information, on whether she is able to speak these languages or not.

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dianna agron speak languages
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