What is figcaption tag in HTML?


Vivek Madhur

HTML Tag <figcaption> 

The <figcaption> HTML tag is used to defines a caption for a <figure> element, for more understanding see the below-mentioned syntax example of <figcaption>.

Important Points of <figcaption> Tag

  • The <figcaption> tag is new in HTML5
  • It is part of the main content of the figure.
  • We can also use it with an image tag.
  • <figcaption> use with image OR images.

Syntax Example of <figcaption>


    <img src="URL" />

   <figcaption>Figur caption</figcaption>


Browser Support <figcaption> Tag

  1. Chrome: 6.0
  2. Edge: 9.0
  3. Firefox: 4.0
  4. Safari: 5.0
  5. Opera: 11.1

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