How many languages Shin Ye-Eun can speak?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Shushi Pitran



Shin Ye-Eun, "Birth Details and Career"

South Korean actress Shin Ye-Eun was born on 18 January 1998 in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. She attended Sungkyunkwan University and majored in Performing Arts for her higher education.

Languages Shin Ye-Eun Speak Fluently

Shin Ye-Eun was born and raised in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, leading to her high proficiency in Korean. While she possesses some understanding of English and can converse to some extent, her proficiency in her native language, English, is not as advanced.

  • Korean (Home Language)
  • English

Shin Ye-Eun may have the ability to comprehend and converse in other foreign languages such as Thai, Mandarin, and Japanese. However, there is currently a lack of adequate information to ascertain her level of proficiency in these languages.

Shin Ye Eun speak languages
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