How many languages Kivanc Tatlitug can speak?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Ruchalika Mathur


Parul Pathak

Birth & Family Details of Actor Kivanc Tatlitug

Turkey actor Kivanc Tatlitug was born on 27 October 1983 in Adana, Turkey  (born and grew up), to Erdem and Nurten Tatlıtuğ. His mother is Turkish from Edirne. He studied at Yenice Çağ Private High School. In 2002, he made his acting debut and is now active in the television and film entertainment industries.

Languages Speak by "Kivanc Tatlitug" Fluently

As we know, Kivanc Tatlitug was born and grew up in Turkey, So, he is very fluent in Turkey's official language "Turkish". He can also speak English (the most spoken language in American and Western countries).

  • Turkish (Home languages)
  • English

Maybe, Kivanc Tatlitug can also understand and speak some other languages like Urdu, Arabic, Farsi, Spanish, French, and other languages but insufficient information on how much he is fluent.

kivanc tatlitug speak langauges fluently
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