How many languages does Lucy Liu can speak?

Query By: ADOM



Lucy Liu (Actress Birth & Education Details)

American actress Lucy Liu was born in the Jackson Heights neighborhood of the New York City borough of Queens as the youngest of three children born to Cecilia and Tom Liu, a civil engineer. Liu's parents originally came from Beijing and Shanghai and immigrated to Taiwan as adults before meeting in New York.

Lucy Liu studied the martial arts kali-eskrima-silat as a hobby when she was young. She attended Joseph Pulitzer Middle School and graduated from Stuyvesant High School. Later, She enrolled at New York University and transferred to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to study Asian languages and cultures.

Lucy Liu Speak Languages Fluently

Lucy Liu was born in New York City and actively worked in the American entertainment industry which is why she is very fluent in English. Along with the English language, she also learned to speak Mandarin as her home language. So, right now she is very fluent in both languages English and Mandarin.

  • English
  • Mandarin

In addition, you can explore more articles related to actress Lucy Liu such as Lucy Liu's current net worth and a list of dramas and movies by Lucy Liu.

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