Where to watch Eclipse of the Heart Thai drama with Eng sub?

Last Update: Apr 28 2024 | BY: Jasmine


Genifer John

Eclipse of The Heart | Thai TV Drama

The Thai television drama series Eclipse of The Heart was released on 29 March 2023 on Channel 3 Network in Thailand.

Basic Profile of Eclipse of The Heart Drama

  • Full Name: Eclipse of The Heart
  • Country of Origin: Thailand
  • No. of Episodes: 10
  • Released date: March 29th, 2023 -??
  • Broadcast Day: Wednesday, Thursday
  • Genres: Romance, Drama

Synopsis of Eclipse of The Heart Drama

Pareena's life had always been beautifully perfect until the demise of her father, who was like her life's sunshine. After her father's death, Pareena discovered a mystery surrounding his untimely demise and thus began a journey of discovering the mystery and restoring her father's honor. The more she digs, the more she learns how different human personalities can be in front of different people. This is not just for her later father, but also for Korn who behaves like a rebel with a free spirit, and Karn who has always been her perfect brother. The more she digs the more she realizes that where there is sunshine there are also shadows. Humans can do wrong. Nobody is truly perfect.

Where to watch With English subtitles

All released episodes of the Eclipse of the Hearts drama are currently available on multiple platforms with English subtitles, which are mentioned below one by one. The visitors can explore it in detail by visiting that sites.

  1. Channel 3
  2. YouTube (CH3+ Thailand)
  3. BiliBili TV, etc...

Full Cast & Crew List of the Drama

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