What are the Religion and Languages of Emma Panisara Yang?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Jasmine



Birth & Family Details of Emma Panisara Yang

Thai actress Emma Panisara Yang was born on 19 June 2003 in Bangkok, Thailand. She started her acting career in the Thai entertainment industry and now she is active in both television and films and actress.

Languages Emma Panisara Yang Speak Fluently

Emma Panisara Yang was born and grew up in Thailand, her parents are also staying in Thailand, and has been active in the Thai entertainment industry since 2025, So, she is very fluent in Thai (the official language of Thailand and her native language). Along with the Thai language, she also understands and speaks English a little bit but she is not very fluent in her native language Thai. She speaks English required in her acting career and other businesses.

  • Thai (Home Language)
  • English

Might be possible that Emma Panisara Yang can also speak some other foreign languages such as Korean, Mandarin, and Japanese but at present time we have a lack of information regarding her fluency in other foreign languages.

Emma Panisara Yang speak languages fluently
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