How many languages Han So Hee can speak?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Nivedika Nayar


Jenit Femi

Basic Birth Details of Actress Han So Hee

South Korean actress Han So Hee was born on 18 November 1994 in Ulsan, South Korea. She attended Ulsan High School of Arts majoring in arts. In her senior year of high school, Han So Hee moved to Seoul to live with her grandmother, where she worked various part-time jobs to make ends meet.

Languages Speak Fluently By Han So Hee

As we know, Han So Hee was born in Ulsan, South Korea, and worked as a part-timer in Seoul South Korea. That's why she is very fluent in Korea's native language Korean in comparison to other languages spoken across the world.

Currently, Han is active in the Korean film and television entertainment industries as an actress and has done many projects. She is not fluent but she can understand and speak English a little bit (which is the most spoken language in Australia, New Zealand, Western, and American countries).

Han So Hee may be able to speak additional international languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Thai, but we are unsure how competent she is in these languages.

han so hee speak langauges
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