What is INLINE inclusion?



Punit Verma

Inline Inclusion 

In CSS, inline inclusion is a technique to insert CSS code inside an HTML page. In this technique, we write all CSS attribute with their value separated by a semicolon ( ; ) within the style value, see below example

<p style="color:green; font-size:17px;">This paragraph is styled by inline CSS inclusion</p>

In the above example I've written inline CSS within <p> tag, style property is used to insert a inline CSS in HTML tag. 

Note - All CSS attribute must be separated with a semicolon ( ; ), let's see some more examples-

<h1 style="padding:10px; font-size:25px;">Inline CSS Inclusion</h1>

<div style="width:100%; height:120px; background-color:aqua;"></div>

Note - Inline CSS is most periorty CSS inclusion technique.

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