How many languages does Bebe Neuwirth can speak?

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Heena Ali

Bebe Neuwirth (Birthplace & Education Details)

American actress, singer, and dancer Bebe Neuwirth was born on 31 December 1958 in Newark, New Jersey, United States. Lee Neuwirth, her father, was a mathematician instructing at Princeton University, and he also crafted an encryption device during his tenure at the Institute for Defense Analyses. Sydney Anne Neuwirth, her mother, is an artist who, as an amateur, danced for the Princeton Regional Ballet Company.

Bebe Neuwirth graduated from Princeton High School in 1976, she attended the Juilliard School for dance and left after only a year

  • Date of Birth: 31 December 1958
  • Birthplace: Newark, New Jersey, United States
  • Occupations: actress, singer, and dancer
  • Years active: 1980–present

Languages Bebe Neuwirth Speak Fluently

According to Bebe Neuwirth's birth details and working experience in the entertainment industry, she is highly fluent in both English and German languages in comparison to other languages spoken globally.

  • English
  • German

There is a possibility that Bebe Neuwirth is also familiar with other languages such as French, Spanish, Italian, and sign languages of the United States. However, according to our database, she is very fluent in English and German only.

Bebe Neuwirth speak languages fluently_1
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