What is the current net worth of Kennedi Butler?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Adom



Kennedi Butler (Acting Career)

An American actress Kennedi Butler is known for her work in True Detective (2014), Somewhere Between Arnold & Festus (2015), and Kids Say the Darndest Things (2019).

Kennedi Butler started her acting career in 2015 with the TV Series "Somewhere Between Arnold & Festus" in the role of Little Sister and since then active.

Current Net Worth of Kennedi Butler (2023-2024)

Kennedi Butler has done eight projects in the entertainment industry as a child actress which is why is currently maintaining a good net worth which is around $.5 million to $1 million. She is a young actress then her net worth will grow in the upcoming year. The primary resource of her earnings in being a professional child actress.

kennedi butler current net worth
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