What is the series & movies list of Meen Nichakoon Khajornborirak?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Deenu Bright


MiKi Waran

Nichakoon Khajornborirak "Meen"

Nichakoon Khajornborirak, also better known by his nickname "Meen" or "Nicha" is a Thai television actor and model who was born on 3 March 1999 in Bangkok, Thailand. She was part of the photo BL fiction "350 Days - Falling in Love" and also acted in the music video for the song "Your Answer" along by Mook Worranit Thawornwong.

Meen Nichakoon Khajornborirak is currently a student at Bangkok University International majoring in Communication Arts and a basketball player in the forward position for the Hitech Basketball Club. As for his acting career, he has been cast in a supporting role in the series "Praomook" (2020) and also in the second season of "Love By Chance" or "A Chance to Love" as the role name of "Tul".

TV Series List of Meen Nichakoon Khajornborirak

  1. Love By Chance" or "A Chance to Love (2020)
  2. Praomook (2020)

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