What is the current net worth of Thai actor PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot?



Ferry Kela

PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot (Acting & Career as A Designer)

First, let's explain a little bit about her, PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot is a Thai television and film actress who primarily works in Thai television drama series working under GMMTV from 2014 to 2021 (an artist management company based in Thailand).

PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot's Current Net Worth

Since PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot started her acting career she has done more than 13 television series, one movie, and many television shows with multiple genres such as romantic drama. we can say that she has a lot of experience in the acting field.

According to PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot's acting experience, She currently maintains a good net worth which is between $1 million to $2 million. Her current net worth will grow significantly in the upcoming years because of her experience and her amazing acting style.

The primary resource of PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot's earnings is being a professional actress and also endorsement of several brands on her social media account. We don't have enough information about PhaKjira Kanrattanasoot's current salary, daily income, and more...we will re-update this article soon after getting more information related to her net worth.

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