How many languages does Lisa Kudrow can speak?

Query By: ADOM


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Lisa Kudrow | American Actress

Lisa Kudrow's full name is "Lisa Valerie Kudrow" is an American television and film actress, comedian, writer, singer, and producer who is working in World Cinema. She was born on 30 July 30 1963 in Los Angeles, California, United States.

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About her acting career, after making guest appearances in several television sitcoms in the 1980s, she came to international prominence in the 1990s by portraying 'Phoebe Buffay' in the American most popular sitcom "Friends" (1994-2004), which earned her Primetime Emmy and Screen Actors Guild awards.

Lisa Kudrow Speaks Languages

Lisa Kudrow was born and glow up in Los Angeles, California, United States & She attended Portola Middle School in Tarzana, California. She graduated from Taft High School in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles where then N.W.A. Kudrow received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology from Vassar College.

About Lisa Kudrow's language speaking ability, She can speak English very fluently because the English language is her native language (for Americans and some English-speaking countries), as we mentioned upper she was born in the United States but is not fluent in any Foreign languages.

According to resources, Lisa Kudrow can speak several languages including French, Italian, and a little bit of Turkish language too because she had a Turkish boyfriend in college.

Language Learning Status of Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow is currently 57 years old actress & right now we don't have any updates related to the learning of any foreign language of actress Lisa Kudrow (to be updated as soon as possible).


"Actually, speaking multiple languages is a really very interesting & also different type of experience, talent BUT speaking English is easy, demanding, and understanding language comparison to other international native languages like French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Tamil, Russian, etc... These mentioned languages have completely different tongue styles."

"As a language learner, If you are interested to learn any international language including the upper mentioned list, you can definitely able to do it because nothing is impossible, just only do one thing important that is keep learning, reading, watching, and also try to know a new word & phrases every day as your interest."

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lisa kudrow speaks languages
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