How many languages does Mamoudou Athie can speak?

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Shimi Shaan

Mamoudou Athie (Birth and Family Details)

American actor Mamoudou Athie was born in Mauritania to a diplomat father who sought political asylum in the United States when Athie was six months old. Athie grew up in New Carrollton, Maryland, outside of Washington, District of Columbia.

Athie pursued his acting education at the William Esper Studio, completing the Two-Year Professional Actor Training Program. Subsequently, he earned his MFA from the Yale School of Drama and graduated in 2014.

Mamoudou Athie Speak Languages Fluently

Regarding Mamoudou Athie's fluency in languages, officially he is very fluent in the English language. It may be possible he can also speak some other languages such as Spanish, the Sign languages of the United States, German, French, etc... but according to our database, he fluently speaks only English language.

Mamoudou Athie speak languages fluently
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