How many languages does Harrison Ford can speak?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Adom


Johia Rana

Harrison Ford (Birth & Education Details)

Harrison Ford was born at the Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago, Illinois on 13 July 1942, to former radio actress Dorothy and advertising executive and former actor John William "Christopher" Ford. Harrison Ford completed his graduation in 1960 from Maine East High School in Park Ridge, Illinois

Harrison Ford Speak Languages Fluently

Harrison Ford hails from Chicago, Illinois, United States, and working in the American and British entertainment industry since 1964 as an actor, that is why, Harrison Ford is very fluent in English in comparison to other languages.

  • English

While it's conceivable that Harrison Ford might possess proficiency in other languages such as Russian, Spanish, Italian, German, and Spanish, our database indicates that he is primarily fluent in English.

For additional insights into the actor Harrison Ford articles like Harrison Ford current net worth and a list of TV drama series and movies in which Harrison Ford has participated.

Harrison Ford speak languages fluently
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