Which are the top movies and tv shows of Paxton Singleton?

Query By: ADOM



Paxton Singleton | Actor TV Series & Movies

Paxton Singleton is a Child actor who broke through in the role of Young Steven for the Netflix horror series The Haunting of Hill House. He went on to land parts in the films Alice Fades Away and Breed. He started his acting career in 2016 with a short film called Three Musketeers

Full List of Television Series & Movies of Paxton Singleton

  1. Breed (announced) as Lincoln
  2. Alice Fades Away (2020, post-production) as Logan
  3. Supernatural (2020, TV Series) as Young Dean
  4. The Resident (2019, TV Series) as Danny Hendricks
  5. Chicago Med (2019, TV Series) as Thomas Kramer
  6. The Rookie (2018, TV Series) as Marco
  7. The Haunting of Hill House (2018, TV Mini-Series) as Young Steven
  8. Conor Oberst: Barbary Coast (Later) (Video short) as Paxton
  9. Three Musketeers (2016, Short) as Leon

paxtan singleton series list
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