How many languages does Li Sha can speak?

LAST READ: APR 18 2024 | Q. BY: GIGI R.



Chinese Actress Li Sha, Short Bio

Chinese television actress Li Sha was born on 4 August 1984 in China. She has been active in the Chinese television entertainment industry since 2009 and has done more than 15 television series. Actually, she mostly works as a supporting actress in the drama series.

Li Sha Spoke Languages Fluently

Li Sha was born and grew up in China and her family also lived in China. She also completed her basic and higher education in China which is why she is very fluent in China's official language Mandarin in comparison to other languages spoken globally.

Li Sha may also speak and understand English but we have insufficient information about this she is able to speak or not.

Recommendation for You

You may love to know more about actress "Li Sha" such as her full biography, current net worth, and the full list of TV series, dramas, and movies.

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