What is the current net worth of Prim Chanikarn Tangabodi Thai actress?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: David Silva


Jimmy KK

Prim Chanikarn Tangabodi, Acting & Modeling Career

Thai actress Prime Chanikarn Tangabodi was working in the Thai entertainment industry at the age of 10 when she was in a guest role in the film "Timeline" and "Chiang Khan Story" film as a supporting role. She was born on 20 February 2004 in Bangkok, Thailand

Chanikarn Tangabodi Profile, Education & Career

Chanikarn Tangabodi is a very young, beautiful, and successful actress who attended Chulalongkorn University Demonstration High School. Prim is currently an agent & working under GMMTV production company.

Current Net Worth of Prim Chanikarn (2024-2025)

By becoming a popular actress, Prim Chanikarn Tangabodi has maintained a good net worth in 2023, which is between $1,00,000 to $1 Million that is increasing significantly right now and in upcoming years because she gaining more experience day by day and year by year.


In 2024-2025, Prim Chanikarn Tangabodi has an estimated net worth of between $1 Million - $5 Million according to our database, which is founded from many online resources including official and non-official sites. As we know the primary source of earning money for Prim Chanikarn Tangabodi is being a professional Thai actress and model from the Thai entertainment Industries including acting and modeling.

prim chanikarn networth
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