What is the current net worth of Maddie Phillips?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Adom



Maddie Phillips Net Worth

Maddie Phillips Net Worth

Maddie Phillips is a Canadian actress, best known for her role in the NetFlix web series 'Teenage Bounty Hunters'.  Last year Maddie Phillips's net worth was approximate $1 million, In my answer, I'm going to mention the current net worth of Maddie Phillips but before that, I would like to share some interesting information about her.

Maddie Phillips

Maddie Phillips was born on 6 September 1994 in Vancouver, Canada. She did some half of her primary education from Vancouver, but when she was 10 years old her family moves to Australia where her maternal family resides. In an interview, she said that it was not easy for her to adopt the other country's social life but in a few months she adopted the Australian lifestyle.

Maddie Phillips complete her high school in 2012 from Penrhos College, which is located in Perth, Western Australia. After high school, she did High Distinction from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. Later she moved back to her birthplace Vancouver and started her acting career.

Maddie Phillips loves to play soccer, during her schooling she played many matches for her school team. From her childhood, Maddie loves singing, photography, arts, creative writing but the Acting field was her most favorite thing that she wants to do.

Maddie Phillips started her acting career in 2013 from the Canadian film 'If I Had Wings', in the film she appeared in a short role of 'Amy's Cheerleader Friend'. As of August 2020, she has done more than 20+ movies and tv shows, some of the best are listed below.

Maddie Phillips Top Movies and Tv Shows

  • Teenage Bounty Hunters (2020)
  • Undercover Cheerleader (2019)
  • Considering Love And Other Magic (2016)
  • A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish (2019)
  • Made for You With Love (2019)
  • A Feeling of Home (2019)
  • Woman of the House (2017)
  • Story of a Girl (2017)
  • Two/One (2019)

Let's come to our main topic that is the current net worth of Maddie Phillips. Well, there is no official information about the eject net worth of Maddie Phillips but according to some un-official resource the current net worth of Maddie Phillips estimated approx $2 million. In the future, I will update my answer with the official data about the net worth of Maddie Phillips.

If you want to know more about Maddie Phillips then you can follow the below links.

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