Where to watch Memory of Encaustic Tile drama with Eng sub?

Query By: MADHAN G.


Shimi LiM

Memory of Encaustic Tile | Chinese Drama

Memory of Encaustic Tile is a Chinese television drama series directed by Tian Yu that premiered on the YouKu original network in China. This series story is adapted from a novel of the same name that was written by Bei Feng San Bai Li.

Basic Profile of Memory of Encaustic Tile

  • Name of Drama: Memory of Encaustic Tile
  • Other Names: Glazed Tiles in the Past, Xi You Liu Li Wa
  • Directed by Tian Yu
  • Country of Origin: China
  • Original Language: Mandarin
  • Subtitles: English Subtitles
  • Number of Episodes: 36 Episodes
  • Released Date: ??
  • Aired on Day: ??
  • Running Time Duration: 45 minutes/episodes
  • Genres: Drama, Romance

Cast & Crew of Memory of Encaustic Tile

Synopsis of Memory of Encaustic Tile

'Memory of Encaustic Tile' Chinese drama follows the story of inside the Beijing hutongs where professionals who engage in art conservation and restoration live is a story between a museum conservator and a translator.

Shao Xue, Zheng Su Nian, and Zhang Qi are children of museum conservators, they share many experiences growing up having lived through the SARS epidemic, the death of their loved ones, and the old city being demolished to forge a deep friendship with each other. When they grow up, everyone starts to choose different paths. Influenced by Zheng Su Nian's mother, Shao Xue is unwilling to give up the infinite possibilities of the future for the sake of love and leaves home to search for greener pastures.

Zheng Su Nian inherits the legacy left by his mother to become a conservator-restorer and finds meaning through the preservation of cultural artifacts. Zhang Qi earned the opportunity to study abroad due to his mathematical skills. Before leaving, he decides to bury his feelings for Shao Xue. In spite of their feelings for each other, Shao Xue and Zheng Su Nian part ways due to their respective pursuits. They meet again after a long time, giving a chance for the seeds planted in their youth to sprout once more.

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