How many languages does Li Ge Yang can speak?

LAST READ: APR 13 2024 | Q. BY: MIDAN G.


Ferry Kela

Li Ge Yang, "Birth and Family Detail"

Li Ge Yang was born on 31 July 1997 in Taizhou, China. His family is also staying in China. He is active in the Chinese entertainment industry as a television and film actor and model.

Languages Li Ge Yang Speak Fluently

According to the upper information, Li Ge Yang is very fluent in Mandarin (the official language of China and his native language). He can also speak English a little bit as required for his acting career but he is not very fluent in English like Mandarin.

It is possible that He can also speak languages like Thai, Korean, Japanese, etc. However, currently, there is insufficient information available to determine his fluency in these languages or the extent of his proficiency in them.

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