How many languages does Zendaya Coleman can speak?

Query By: ADOM


Johia Rana

Zendaya Coleman (Birth & Education Details)

American singer and actress Zendaya Coleman was born on 1st September 1996 in Oakland, California, United States, to teachers Claire Stoermer and Kazembe Ajamu Coleman. Her father is African-American, with Nigerian ancestry; her mother has German and Scottish ancestry.

Zendaya attended Oakland School for the Arts and her family moved to Los Angeles when she was in seventh grade. In 2015, while pursuing an acting career, she graduated from Oak Park High School.

Zendaya Coleman Speak Languages Fluently

As we know, Zendaya Coleman was born and grew up in the United States of America and since 2009 she has been actively working in the American entertainment industry as a singer and actress. Zendaya Coleman is very fluent in English may be possible she can also speak some other languages like German, Scottish, and Spanish because of her parents.

  • English

More articles related to singer and actress Zendaya Coleman, such as Zendaya Coleman's current net worth and the full list of TV drama series, movies, and songs by Zendaya Coleman.

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