How many languages does Tisha Campbell can speak?

Last Update: Apr 25 2024 | BY: Adom


Jun Michal

Birth & Early Life of Actress Tisha Campbell

Tisha Campbell (born as Tisha Michelle Campbell) was born on 13 October 1968 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and raised in Newark, New Jersey, where she attended Newark Arts High School and also East Orange, New Jersey, where she attended Washington Academy of Music.

Tisha's mother, Mona Shockley (now known as Mona Washington) was a nurse, talent manager, gospel singer, and vocal coach. Her father, Clifton Campbell, was a factory worker and singer. 

Languages "Tisha Campbell" Speak Fluently

As we know, Tisha Campbell was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and raised in Newark, New Jersey, United States. She has been active in the American and British entertainment industry since 1977. She is very fluent in English languages (which is the most popular and fluently spoken language in America, Australia, New Zealand, and Western countries).

Maybe Tisha Campbell can also speak and understand other languages like SpanishFrenchItalian, and French but right now we have insufficient information about her fluency in these languages or how much she is fluent in these languages.

tisha campbell speak languages fluently
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