What is the net worth of Thai actor Kanaphan Puitrakul?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Pulkit Rana



Current Net Worth of Kanaphan Puitrakul

Kanaphan Puitrakul started his acting career after auditioning from a pool of 100 teenagers and got the main role for The Assassin: ฆาตกร, a movie produced for Children's Day in 2016. In 2017, he participated in the "Cool Man Good Man" competition where he placed fourth and became part of KAZZ Magazine's photoshoot in November 2017.

That's why Kanaphan Puitrakul is currently maintaining a good net worth which makes him one of the most popular and rich celebrities in the Thai entertainment industry. According to our data record and online research, Kanaphan Puitrakul currently has an estimated net worth of $.5 million to $1 million dollar approximated as of 2023 - 2024.

According to Kanaphan Puitrakul's acting experience, his net worth will grow in the upcoming years. Hope so, he will do more hard work and get many projects in his acting career in the upcoming years, get more popularity, and earn more money too.

Basic Profile Details of Kanaphan Puitrakul

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