What languages does Leon Lai speak?



Shradha V. Jain

Leon Lai | Hong Kong Actor Speaks

Leon Lai, also known as his full name "Leon Lai-ming" SBS BBS MH & stage name "Li Ming" or "Lai Ming", which literally means "dawn" is a Hong Kong television & film actor and Cantopop singer. Li Ming was born on 11 December 1966 in Beijing, China who made his acting debut in 1985 to present in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Leon Lai-ming is one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Hong Kong who attended Lewisham College in the United Kingdom & returned to Hong Kong at 18 in 1984

The viewers can also read more about Leon Lai, including Bio, Profile, Wife, Kids, Family, Education & Acting Career | Current net worth in 2020-2021 | List of Popular TV series & movies of Leon Lai, etc. just click on the link and read the complete information in the next article.

Leon Lai Speaks Languages

Leon Lai was born in Beijing, China but attended Lewisham College in the United Kingdom.

About Leon Lai's speaking ability of languages, he speaks languages very fluently including Cantonese & Chinese, Hakka. Actually, these languages are his native languages that the reason he is very fluent in.

BUT about his speaking ability in English or other foreign languages, we do not have enough information about this he is able or not. But maybe he can speak English title bit because he attended Lewisham College in the United Kingdom & the U.K. is an English speaking country.

Language Learning Status of Leon Lai

Leon Lai is currently 53 years old as of 2020 and right now we don't have any updates related to his learning status of any foreign languages (to be updated as soon as possible).

Actually, speaking multiple languages is a really very interesting & also different type of experience, talent BUT speaking English is easy, demanding, and understanding language comparison to other international native languages like French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Tamil, Russian, etc... These mentioned languages have completely different tongue styles.

BUT as a languages Lerner, If you are interested to learn any international language including the upper mentioned list, you can definitely able to do it because nothing is impossible, just only do one thing important that is keep learning, reading, watching, and also try to know a new word & phrases every day as your interest.

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