What languages does Donnie Yen Ji Dan speak?



Mike Jessica

Chinese Actor Donnie Yen Ji Dan, Short Bio

Donnie Yen Ji Dan is a Hong Kong actor, martial artist, action director, and politician. He was born on 27 July 1963 in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. His mother Bow-sim Mark is a Fu Style Wudangquan and Tai Chi grandmaster, while his father, Klyster Yen was a newspaper editor.

Donnie Yen Ji Dan Spoke Languages Fluently

Donnie Yen Ji Dan was born in Hong Kong, he moved to Hong Kong when he was two years old then to the United States, settling in Boston when he was 11. He attended Newton North High School. At age 16, Yen began practicing Wushu after his parents sent him to Beijing to train with the Beijing Wushu Team. He is very fluent in multiple languages such as China's official language Mandarin, Cantonese (Hong Kong's official language), and English.

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