How many languages Hyun Bin can speak?

Last Update: Jun 01, 2024 |


Ong Zing

hyun bin languages

Hyun Bin | Languages

Hyun Bin is a top-ranked South Korean actor, He has done a lot of remarkable roles in various series and dramas such as Crash Landing on You, Secret Garden, Memories of the Alhambra, My Lovely Sam Soon, The Negotiation, etc. Here I'm going to answer about the languages that Hyun Bin can speak but there are more interesting things to know about him.

Hyun Bin was born on 25 September 1982 in Songpa District, Seoul, South Korea. His role in the fantasy and romantic drama Secret Garden his character name was Kim Joo-won, from this role he got a lot of attention from the audience. Hyun Bin graduated from Youngdong High School, and later he joined Chung-Ang University to study Theater from where is also earned his Master's degree.

Top Drama List Of Hyun Bin

Hyun Bin has done more than 20+ movies and drama series. He started his acting career in a TV series named 'Bodyguard' in 2003. Below is the list of some top dramas and TV shows of Hyun Bin

  • Crash Landing on You
  • Secret Garden
  • Memories of the Alhambra
  • My Lovely Sam Soon
  • The Negotiation
  • Hyde Jekyll, Me

Hyun Bin Speaks Languages Fluently

In an Interview, Hyun said that he is fluent in his mother tongue i.e. Korean but he can also speak English. He can understand a bit of Mandarin as well as Japanese but can't speak them. Hyun said that he is trying to learn more languages, so we can expect him to see him speaking more languages in the future. For the time being, this was my knowledge about the languages that Hyun Bin can speak, you have more information about him I would like to know.

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